June 6, 1988 List of Computer Interface Software/Hardware Sources Here is a revised list of software sources for the Kenwood computer interface. The products listed here are for reference only, and are not to be taken as a "Kenwood Endorsement." Please contact these companies or individuals directly for more information on their products. This list superceedes the listing of October 1987. Remember that the Kenwood computer interface command structure is universal to all interface-able Kenwood radios. Thus, these products should also be compatible with the new TS-140S transceiver. Advanced Computer Controls 2356 Walsh Ave. Santa Clara, CA 95051 408-727-3330 "Shack Master", a hardware unit for remote base station use. Control of TS-940S, TS-440S, TS-811A, TS-711A via DTMF. Synthesized speech readout of radio frequency and other parameters. No computer needed. Dan Diehlman, AE6G 5478 N. Bond Fresno, CA 93710 209-439-5520 "HAM.COM", a program for IBM XT, AT, PC, PC Jr, and compatibles. Controls the TS-940S and TS-440S transceivers. Supports most TNCs, including MFJ, AEA, Kantronics, and others. Split screen display, log file and search function, "sightless help", programmable "brag tape", and more. EEB 516 Mill St. Vienna, VA 22180 703-938-3350 "CRIS 6000", the Computer/Radio Interface System, provides automated logging functions such as date, time, frequency, and mode, contest logging, fast scanning speeds on HF, VHF, and UHF, read 800 memory channels from a disk file into RAM, and a data base function. Also offered is a free CRIS newsletter. Engineering Consulting 583 Candlewood St. Brea, CA 92621 714-671-2009 "Super ComShack 64", a repeater controller/dual remote base and autopatch unit, for use with the Commodore 64 computer. Expert Q 10245 Leatherwood Ave. Ft. Worth, TX 76108 817-246-7410 "Expert Edge", an operating system for your ham station. Multiple windows, pop-up menus, all in color. Complete control of your TS-940S, TS-440S, TS- 711A, and TS-811A. Also supports Kantronics KAM unit for RTTY, CW, ASCII, packet, or AMTOR. Requires IBM PC (or 100% compatible), 512K free RAM recommended, up to two serial ports, two disk drives. GRF Computer Services, Inc. Available exclusively from Ham Radio Outlet 2620 West La Palma Anaheim, CA 92801 714-761-3033 "TS-COMM", allows full control of frequency, mode, memory channels and many front panel controls. Requires IBM-PC or PC-AT or true compatible DOS 2.1 or greater, 512K memory, one floppy disk drive, one serial communications port, 80 column printer for printing memory data. MJC Technologies 3704-1/2 Foothill Blvd., Suite 524 La Crescenta, CA 91214 818-957-3276 "SCORE: Sweepstakes Contest Operating Results Enhancer", an IBM PC, XT, AT (as well as all Compaq computers and the Tandy 1000) program for the ARRL Sweepstakes Contest. Dupe and log as well as compile statistics of your contest operation. Packet Control Systems, Inc. 3652 W. Cypress Street Tampa, FL 33607 813-874-2980 "Remote Transceiver Controller", turns your station into a remote base. Complete information not available at press time. Timothy R. Hickman 1342 Brook Road Baltimore, MD 21228 301-744-7526 "SWL - A PC to Kenwood R-5000 Control Program", is a sophisticated Short Wave Listeners control, logging, and memory program for the R-5000 receiver. Backs up memory information to disk and even allows multiple groups of 100 memories. Works with the IBM PC XT or AT (or compatibles).